DataEd 2022 Organization
Workshop Chairs
Workshop Chairs
Fenia Aivaloglou (PhD, University of the Aegean) is an Assistant Professor in the Programming Education Research Lab of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science and the Open University of the Netherlands. Her research work is on computing education. Her research interests include teaching approaches, informal and lifelong education, and gender diversity, and she is currently focusing on data education and collaborative learning.
George Fletcher (PhD, Indiana University Bloomington) is a Professor of Computer and Data Science at TU/e, where he chairs the Database Group of the Data and Artificial Intelligence Cluster. His research interests span social aspects of data systems, query language design and engineering, foundations of databases, and data integration. His current research focus is on data education and graph data management.
Daphne Miedema (MSc, Eindhoven University of Technology) is a doctoral candidate at TU/e in the Database Group. She obtained a double MSc in Computer Science and Engineering and Human-Technology Interaction in 2019. Her research is located on the intersection of Databases and HTI, applied to education. Daphne's current research interests include query language education, visual query representations and (mis)conceptions.